2017s Best Technology Trends in Higher Education

: Many technology trends have been observed in 2017. Some of them are adaptive learning, artificial intelligence, online libraries and next generation learning.

 In these days where advancement and technology integration is at its boom, the educational sector is making full use of the latest technology for providing ease in learning. Gone are the days when the traditional methods of learning were used and teacher has to handle every student including the student with the attitude, write my assignment for me separately. Today, this role is assigned to computers and automated systems. The job is now transferred to software’s and teachers are supervising the whole process.  The learning environment is made digital in modern day learning and terms like e-learning, digital learning, adaptive learning, computerized learning comes to mind.  These are the latest technology trends in higher education for the year 2017. Let us see in detail:

Adaptive learning

The term “adaptive learning” refers to the use of automated machines for learning such as computers and other devices. This is an automated system of learning which reduces time and provides ease to both the teacher as well as the student. The system monitors the performance of the student and if for instance the student is performing well in unit 1 but lacks some knowledge in unit 2, the system will automatically generate more content in unit 2. In this way, the burden on teachers is decreased and teachers are able to handle hundreds of students at a time. Adaptive learning is sometimes called as computer based learning and this new development in educational technology is gaining great popularity in institutions. With the passage of time, new research and innovation has been observed in adaptive learning techniques and some specified domains of adaptive learning has provided commendable outcomes.

Next generation learning

The next generation learning management system is derived from adaptive learning. It is basically a management system that aims to convert things like class board, teachers, and notes into digital stuff.  The next generation learning is based on an electronic learning system where the aim is to automate the process of learning without the teacher being handling students manually.

Artificial intelligence

As the name suggest, the term “artificial intelligence” refers to the use of machines for learning. There are two types of artificial intelligence, one is applied artificial intelligence and the other one is general artificial intelligence. The main idea behind AI is to use the machines smartly so that they handle any task. It is basically a combination of hardware and software that works hand in hand to make computing possible. Today, a number of handheld devices and computers are used in higher education to automate the process of learning. Through this artificial intelligence students can now learn from home and e-learning has become much easier than ever. Researchers say that computerized learning is all about software and AI digests the software for providing fruitful outcomes. AI has brought a drastic change in many fields like biotech, science, math, arts, and so on. From planning and research to strategies and implementation, everything is now working through AI and students are enjoying this new way of learning.


Digital learning is all about personalization and customization. With the opportunity of adaptive learning and artificial intelligence, personalization is possible at all levels of learning. Gone are the days when teachers used to design a single curriculum for the entire group of students. Today, the concept of personalization is used for teaching students. However, the burden is not on the teachers but this role is played by the automated systems and software. Every student now gets personalized attention as per his requirement. The advanced technology not only provides customized material but also keeps a check on how the students are performing.

Learning libraries

Among several other trends, the trend of learning libraries has been observed in the year 2017. This trend will become more famous and students will move towards online libraries as they provide multiple benefits. The concept of online libraries where the students just need to register themselves and they will get all sorts of material related to their course is commendable. Students who learn from their home or even those who go to institutions have found this system to be very supportive. In this era of digital learning, the presence of online learning libraries was essential.

In short, this is the age of digital learning where people want to learn in a personalized digital environment. A lot of technology trends have been observed in the year 2017 and many more are about to come in the coming years. It is believed that technological integration will keep on bringing positive changes in higher education. Teachers and students both will enjoy the fruitful outcomes of digital learning environment. 
