2017 has been a year of great innovation and application of various technological devices in both the management and technological sectors.
The Tech Skills
The hottest tech for 2017 has created a lot of security due to the use of improved security devices in organizations. These security devices have increased on virus prevention, privacy and identity in organizations. These hottest tech skills include the cloud and distributed that has increased sharing of information from servers, programing, and project management among many others. Such devices have improved innovation since the employees need to improve the skills of production to remain relevant with technology. Hottest tech for 2017 can also help students who have the attitude, do my assignment for me towards others.

1.      Cloud and Distributed Computing
           This is the internet based computing that allows different storage services, servers and application delivered to an organization’s computer devices. The use of cloud computing in organizations has improved on the confidentiality and privacy in the organization’s activities. It has also increased on the rate of service delivery by organizations since most of the activities are done through internet. Cloud computing has therefore helped in the broadcaster’s industry level due to their increased consumer demand. Massive pressure from the consumers on quality services has also engineered towards the adoption and embracing of the cloud computing in most of the broadcasting centers.
2.      IT Architecture
         The year 2017 has been marked the field of IT Architecture to be extremely structured since the field incorporates different experts from all fields of cloud. This has increased most companies demand for professional IT experts in professional fields. This is done so to adopt the technological changes in the era and improve on the productivity of these industries. Therefore, the increased use of IT Architecture in the production industry has really increased the production and the quality of services globally.
3.      Application Development
         Skills in enterprise IT has made application development programs to be one of the hottest trends in 2017 due to internet things. The applications developed have aided in the running of most organizations with ease even in the absence of management. This has therefore increased for the need for programmers and program developers to increase on the service delivery in these organizations.
4.      Project Management
        Tech companies have continuously been seeking for individuals with high professional profile and who can manage on diverse teams and negotiate priorities. This has hit the world market in 2017 due to improved competition from other companies producing complementary commodities. These experts are therefore tasked to seek for other opportunities to escape the stiff competition.
5.      User Interface Design
        This is a design that functions to make the products easier to use by the aid of user interface design experts. Therefore, the use of this design has improved the user consumption's of most commodities through the provision of prescriptions on the usage. Therefore, the use of this design has changed the tastes and preferences of most product users in 2017. It has also served to improve marketing of most designed products.
6.      Big Data Management
        Technological development has improved data storage in companies and therefore making these companies to seek for statisticians who can manage large volumes of data within the company. Therefore 2017 developmental tactics has eased data management providing skills on people who can create dashboards and understand what the techspeak is telling them for data management.
7.      Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
       Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing have continuously risen to the peak of their demand in 2017 to enhance marketing. This is because the management has hired individuals with high managerial skills and marketing techniques.
8.      Business Intelligence and Analytics
         Business intelligence has been on improve in the year 2017 due to advancement of security gadgets for management. This has called for the employment of individual with professional skills in Business intelligence to aid in networking of various organization with the company. These business intelligence gadgets have been used to enhance management between businesses and insurance companies.
9.      Technical support
        The help desk has been enhancing 2017 to guide the new users or visitors of the company on the company organizations. It has also served to solve problems faced by their members in operations within the company and therefore shaping on the quality of services provided to the users. The help desk has made it easier to easily understand and polish most of the membership problems without necessarily visiting the organization’s offices. This is due to the use of mobile apps and phone calls with their clients.
10.  Security Compliance and Governance
         The security compliance has been refined from the past years as compared to 2017 due to technological advancement. Security devices and gadgets have been put in place to protect the organizations and the products within the organization. Achievements of these security goals have been due to technological boost that has commanded to digital protection of products by serializing them and using technological experts.
